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  • Noboru Konno

インパクトリサーチ Impact Research


EcosyXLab conducts various researches by the participation of advisors and partners. As the first step, we conducted a pilot search (presearch) on the theme of "what are the social / economic areas we should invest for the future?"


  1. 医療の「病気」モデルから「健康」モデルへのシフトの政策

  2. 異文化理解のための物語の共有と政策

  3. 新たな経済・社会・技術開発のモデル

The digest version will be released soon, but the most important themes and the investment effects (of 25 items) as the future area by 26 people are the following three.

  1. Shift of Medical Policy: from 'Illness-body' model to 'Health-mind' model

  2. Investing on Narrative Activities for Cross-cultural understanding

  3. New Economic and Social Model for R&D



記事: Blog2_Post
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